– Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles (in English)
19. Pham H, Cook NC, Amaral EFL, Robertson R, Wang S. 2024. "The limits of immigrant resilience." Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal, 33(3): 509-546.
18. Sakamoto A, Bloome D, Amaral EFL, Daumler D, Yen SK. 2023. "Open-population inference: An investigation of the underrepresentation of the second generation in research on intergenerational income mobility." International Migration Review, 57(3): 1249-1278.
17. Sakamoto A, Amaral EFL, Wang SW, Nelson C. 2021. "The socioeconomic attainments of second-generation Nigerian and other black Americans: Evidence from the Current Population Survey, 2009 to 2019." Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, 7: 1-18.
16. Amaral EFL, Yen SK, Wang SX. 2019. "A meta-analysis of the association between income inequality and intergenerational mobility." Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, 5: 1-18.
15. Amaral EFL. 2019. "Profile of female sterilization in Brazil." Social Sciences - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 8(10), 269: 1-15.
14. Amaral EFL, Pollard MS, Mendelsohn J, Cefalu M. 2018. "Current and future demographics of the veteran population, 2014-2024." Population Review, 57(1): 28-60.
13. Amaral EFL, Woldetsadik MA, Armenta G. 2018. "Challenges to the integration of Syrian refugees." International Journal of Population Studies, 4(1): 39-56.
12. Amaral EFL, Rios-Neto ELG, Potter JE. 2016. "The influence of internal migration on male earnings in Brazil, 1970-2000." Migration and Development, 5(1): 55-78.
11. Amaral EFL, Queiroz BL, Calazans JA. 2015. "Demographic changes, educational improvements, and earnings in Brazil and Mexico." IZA Journal of Labor & Development, 4(23): 1-21.
10. Potter JE, Amaral EFL, Woodberry R. 2014. "The growth of Protestantism in Brazil and its impact on male earnings, 1970-2000." Social Forces, 93(1): 125-153.
9. Hopkins K, Amaral EFL, Mourão ANM. 2014. "The impact of payment source and hospital type on rising cesarean section rates in Brazil, 1998 to 2008." Birth - Issues in Perinatal Care, 41(2): 169-177.
8. Amaral EFL, Potter JE, Hamermesh DS, Rios-Neto ELG. 2013. "Age, education, and earnings in the course of Brazilian development: Does composition matter?" Demographic Research, 28(20): 581-612.
7. Amaral EFL, Almeida ME, Rios-Neto ELG, Potter JE. 2013. "Effects of the age-education structure of female workers on male earnings in Brazil." Poverty & Public Policy, 5(4): 336-353.
6. Inácio MM, Amaral EFL. 2013. "Government or opposition? The determinants of legislative support for governors in Brazil." SAGE Open, 3: 1-11.
5. Amaral EFL. 2012. "The decomposition of economic outcomes as a result of changes in Brazil's male age-education structure." Population Research and Policy Review, 31(6): 883-905.
4. Amaral EFL, Rios-Neto ELG, Potter JE. 2012. "Long term influences of age-education transition on the Brazilian labour market." Bulletin of Latin American Research, 31(3): 302-319.
3. Pereira MAG, Amaral EFL, Costa MM. 2012. "Some determinants of the existence of government websites: 853 municipalities in Minas Gerais, Brazil." Latin American Research Review, 47(3): 155-174.
2. Amaral EFL. 2008. "Improvements of techniques to estimate migration rates: An application with Brazilian Censuses data." Population Review, 47(2): 1-24.
1. Skop E, Peters PA, Amaral EFL, Potter JE, Fusco W. 2006. "Chain migration and residential segregation of internal migrants in the metropolitan area of São Paulo, Brazil." Urban Geography, 27(5): 397-421.
– Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles (in Spanish)
3. Santos R, Barbieri AF, Amaral EFL. 2023. "Life course transitions and internal migration in Brazil: An analysis based on multiple period data." Notas de Población, 50(116): 105-135.
2. Amaral EFL, Gonçalves GQ. 2015. "Bolsa Família Program and school enrollment: An analysis of the 2010 Brazilian demographic census." Política y Sociedad, 52(3): 741-769.
1. Amaral EFL, Potter JE. 2009. "Population policies, government programs, and fertility: A comparison between Brazil and Mexico." Notas de Población, 35(87): 7-33.
– Peer-Reviewed Brazilian Journal Articles (in English)
4. Gonçalves GQ, Menicucci TMG, Amaral EFL. 2017. "Educational differential between beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries of Programa Bolsa Família." Cadernos de Pesquisa, 47(165): 770-794.
3. Amaral EFL, Almeida ME, Gonçalves GQ. 2015. "Characterization of fertility levels in Brazil, 1970-2010." Revista Espaço para a Saúde, 16(2): 5-26.
2. Amaral EFL. 2013. "Racial and socioeconomic segregation: An analysis of three Brazilian metropolitan areas." REDES - Revista de Desenvolvimento Regional, 18(1): 248-262.
1. Amaral EFL, Rios-Neto ELG, Potter JE. 2011. "Influences of transition in age-education structure and internal migration on the labour market in Brazil." Informe GEPEC, 15(3): 44-71.
– Peer-Reviewed Brazilian Journal Articles (in Portuguese)
16. Amaral EFL, Amaral CVL. 2019. "Invisible structures of segregation in the metropolitan region of Goiânia." Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População, 36(e0089): 1-31.
15. Mendonça RF, Amaral EFL. 2016. "Online rationality: Reason-giving in virtual discussions." Opinião Pública, 22(2): 418-445.
14. Golgher AB, Amaral EFL, Neves AVC. 2015. "Academic performance of students at the Federal University of Minas Gerais: An analysis of the socio-racial bonus policy." Ciências Sociais em Perspectiva, 14(26): 120-145.
13. Gontijo BA, Amaral EFL. 2015. "Association of technical education with earnings and employment: Minas Gerais (2009 and 2011)." Planejamento e Políticas Públicas, 44: 113-143.
12. Santos IG, Gontijo JGL, Amaral EFL. 2015. "The public safety policy in Brazil: Analyzing public spending (1999-2010)." Opinião Pública, 21(1): 105-131.
11. Golgher AB, Amaral EFL, Neves AVC. 2014. "An assessment of the Federal University of Minas Gerais's socioracial bonus on student academic performance." Mediações - Revista de Ciências Sociais, 19(1): 241-275.
10. Mendonça RF, Amaral EFL. 2014. "Online deliberation in public consultations? The case of the state legislature of Minas Gerais." Revista de Sociologia e Política, 22(49): 177-203.
9. Amaral EFL, Monteiro VP. 2013. "An evaluation of the impact of the educational conditions of Brazil's Bolsa Família Program (2005 and 2009)." DADOS - Revista de Ciências Sociais, 56(3): 531-570.
8. Mourão ANM, Almeida ME, Amaral EFL. 2013. "Unemployment benefits and formality in the Brazilian labor market." Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População, 30(1): 251-270.
7. Vianna IL, Amaral EFL. 2013. "Strengthening the evaluation of public policies in Brazil and the political aspects of this process." Cadernos da Escola do Legislativo, 15(24): 107-139.
6. Amaral EFL, Neves AVC, Silva AM, Monteiro TJG. 2012. "Analysis of students' profiles who entered the Federal University of Minas Gerais utilizing the socio-racial bonus policy." Teoria & Sociedade, 20(1): 85-116.
5. Amaral EFL, Rabelo FCE. 2012. "Cultural forms and social perceptions of visitors at art and street food markets in Goiânia, Brazil." Fragmentos de Cultura, 22(2): 153-174.
4. Amaral EFL. 2011. "Analysis of level, pattern, and determinants of population flows between Bahia and São Paulo." Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População, 28(2): 467-472.
3. Amaral EFL. 2009. "Characterization of migrants in Goiás and the Federal District: 1980-2000." Teoria & Sociedade, 17(2): 160-185.
2. Amaral EFL, Rodrigues RN, Fígoli MGB. 2004. "Methods and techniques to measure migration movements: Brazilian state of Goiás and the Federal District, 1975-1979 and 1986-1990." Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População, 21(2): 283-301.
1. Amaral EFL, Rodrigues RN, Fígoli MGB. 2002. "Synthesis of migration in the Brazilian state of Goiás and the Federal District in the last decades." Revista Sociedade e Cultura, 5(2): 127-136.
– Non-Peer-Reviewed Journal Article (in English)
1. Amaral EFL, Fusco W. 2005. "Shaping Brazil: The role of international migration." Migration Information Source, June Issue. Washington: Migration Policy Institute (MPI).
– Encyclopedia Entry (in English)
1. Amaral EFL. 2013. "Brazil: internal migration." In: The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration. (I Ness, ed.). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 75: 1-7.
– Peer-Reviewed Book Chapter (in English)
1. Ren J, Earl R, Amaral EFL. 2022. "Novel healthcare model, continuation of inequality: Exploring the role of micro hospitals in Texas health-care access through demographic spatial modeling." In: Research in the Sociology of Health Care, Health and Health Care Inequities, Infectious Diseases and Social Factors, Vol. 39. (JJ Kronenfeld, ed.). Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited, 123-147.
– Non-Peer-Reviewed Book Chapter (in English)
1. Amaral EFL, Potter JE. 2019. "Factors associated with female sterilization in Brazil." In: Developments in Demography in the 21st Century. (J Singelmann, DL Poston Jr., eds.). Cham: Springer Nature, 129-150.
– Non-Peer-Reviewed Book Chapter (in Spanish)
1. Potter JE, Pullum TW, Martinez G, Amaral EFL. 2007. "Evaluation of ENSAR 2003." In: La Salud Reproductiva en México: Análisis de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud Reproductiva 2003. (AM Chávez-Galindo, P Uribe-Zúñiga, Y Palma-Cabrera, eds.). Mexico City: Secretaría de Salud & Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 27-39.
– Non-Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters (in Portuguese)
3. Rios-Neto ELG, Amaral EFL, Potter JE. 2011. "The role of demography and education on mean male earnings in the long term in Brazil: Simulations with the model of supply and demand for labor." In: O Estado da Arte em Economia. (A Delfim-Netto, ed.). São Paulo: Saraiva, v.2, 201-217.
2. Queiroz BL, Golgher AB, Amaral EFL. 2010. "Demographic changes and socioeconomic conditions in Minas Gerais." In: As Muitas Minas: Ensaios Sobre a Economia Mineira. (FA Oliveira, WB Siqueira, eds.). Belo Horizonte: Conselho Regional de Economia de Minas Gerais (CORECON-MG), 159-189.
1. Rios-Neto ELG, Amaral EFL. 2009. "Migratory management and the greatness paradox." In: I Conferência sobre as Comunidades Brasileiras no Exterior - Brasileiros no Mundo. (EM Paiva, MMC Lopes, CRSA Gonçalves, ES Nascimento, eds.). Brasília: Ministério das Relações Exteriores (MRE) & Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão (FUNAG), 447-461.
– Reports (in English)
3. Miller LL, Knapp D, Best KL, Friedman EM, Gonzalez GC, Totten ME, Wenger JW, Trail TE, Posard MN, Amaral EFL. 2018. "Early evidence from the My Career Advancement Account Scholarship for military spouses." RAND Report, RR-2093-OSD. Santa Monica: RAND Corporation.
2. Perez-Arce F, Amaral EFL, Huang H, Price CC. 2016. "Inequality and opportunity: The relationship between income inequality and intergenerational transmission of income." RAND Report, RR-1509-RC. Santa Monica: RAND Corporation.
1. Eibner C, Krull H, Brown K, Cefalu M, Mulcahy AW, Pollard M, Shetty K, Adamson DM, Amaral EFL, Armour P, Beleche T, Bogdan O, Hastings JL, Kapinos KA, Kress AM, Mendelsohn J, Ross R, Rutter CM, Weinick RM, Woods D, Hosek SD, Farmer CM. 2015. "Current and Projected Characteristics and Unique Health Care Needs of the Patient Population Served by the Department of Veterans Affairs." RAND Report, RR-1165/1-VA. Santa Monica: RAND Corporation.
– Unpublished drafts (in English)
4. Barker J, Freijy B, Gonzales A, Herdrich M, Lambertis A, Moulton C, Patterson J, Samuel C, Amaral EFL. 2021. "Around the world in 80 waves: Addressing the nation's immigration crisis." Open Science Framework Preprints, February 13.
3. Amaral EFL, Mitchell P, Marquez-Velarde G. 2019. "Factors associated with attitudes toward U.S. immigration, 2004-2016." Open Science Framework Preprints, February 22.
2. Amaral EFL, Faustino SHR, Gonçalves GQ, Queiroz BL. 2019. "Economic sector, demographic composition, educational attainment, and earnings in Brazil." Open Science Framework Preprints, January 22.
1. Amaral EFL, Gonçalves GQ, Weiss C. 2014. "The impact of Brazil's Bolsa Família Program on school attendance, child labor, and age-grade discrepancy, 2010." SocArXiv, March 1.
– Unpublished drafts (in Portuguese)
3. Amaral EFL, Queiroz BL. 2014. "Estimation and modeling of age-specific migration rates by sex." Open Science Framework Preprints, September 4.
2. Spyrides MHC, Amaral EFL. 2002. "Multiregional life tables and characterization of population flows among small, medium, and big cities - Brazil, 1986-1991." Open Science Framework Preprints, November 4.
1. Brito F, Horta CJG, Amaral EFL. 2001. "The Brazilian recent urbanization and the urban conurbations." Open Science Framework Preprints, August 18.